
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Worldwide Book Giveaway | The Girl Who Said Sorry by Hayoung Yim

The Girl Who Said Sorry

by Hayoung Yim

Publication Date: October 5th 2017 Published by: Independent Page count: 34
Too girly or too boyish. Too thin or too fat. Too quiet, too loud. Be ambitious, but don’t hurt feelings. Be inquisitive, but don’t interrupt. Be outspoken, but don’t be bossy. Most of all, be yourself—but be a lady. What’s a girl to do in a world filled with contradicting gender expectations, aside from saying sorry? The way we teach politeness norms to children is often confusing, changing based on gender—and can have lasting effects. And while everyone should be courteous and accountable for their actions, apologetic language out of context can undermine confidence and perceived capability. Within the subtle yet beautiful illustrations and powerful rhyme of “The Girl Who Said Sorry”, developing girls will learn that self-expression and personal choices can be made without apology, and with confidence. 50% of profits from this book is donated to Girl Up, a United Nations Foundation campaign dedicated to empowering young girls to take action on global issues.

Praise for the book

‘Girls get often mixed messages from well-meaning parents, friends, teachers, and the media. [The Girl Who Said Sorry] encourages girls to think on their own and accept their uniqueness. It’s a refreshing book with captivating illustrations.’  —Cynthia Chin-Lee, author of Operation Marriage ‘What a terrific message... [The Girl Who Said Sorry] definitely addresses an outdated way of treating girls that is hopefully on the way out.’ —Laurie Wright, author of I Can Handle It (Mindful Mantras series) 'It’s so important to have these conversations early on with kids of all genders, so that it is part of their consciousness from the get-go. But [The Girl Who Said I’m Sorry] is also a clever story, leading up to that perfect “a-ha!” moment—which just makes it that much more of a gem.' —Innosanto Nagara, author of “A is for Activist” ‘I was very much impressed by the message which [The Girl Who Said Sorry] convey[s], and do not hesitate in recommending it to all young readers aged 5-12, so that they can learn to grow into their own skin, while also learning that it is okay to be wrong now and again... There is never any need to apologize for being ourselves.’ —Readers' Favorite

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About the author

Hayoung Yim is a third-wave feminist, environmentalist, advocate for evidence-based public policies, and diverse writer. A UofT graduate in political science and English, she strives to highlight issues to developing children in an approachable manner. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she dreams about implementing social change through popular culture. In her spare time, she likes to travel through time and space.


Three winners! Enter through the rafflecopter form below.
One winner will get a paperback of The Girl Who Said Sorry by Hayoung Yim
Two other winners will get an eCopy each of The Girl Who Said Sorry by Hayoung Yim
Ends 13th October 2017
Open internationally!

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