
Monday, June 30, 2014

Guest Post & Giveaway | The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law

The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law

Tuttle Twins, #1
by Connor Boyack
Paperback, 62 pages
Published April 23rd 2014
by Libertas Press
ISBN 9780989291
Children are often taught that government protects our life, liberty, and property, but could it be true that some laws actually allow people to hurt us and take our things? Join Ethan and Emily Tuttle as they learn about property, pirates, and plunder. With the help of their neighbor Fred, the twins will need to figure out what they can do to stop the bad guys in government!

Guest Post

We all must operate within a fixed amount of time; there are only 24 hours each day. Certain things are a must: sleep, eating, working, running errands, etc. But setting aside the consistent and expected demands on our time, we find ourselves juggling with whatever remains, wondering how best to do what, and when. In other words, there are many events, tasks, and other things that compete for our attention, and because we only have a limited amount of time, we can't get it all done. We have to prioritize. But while we all talk about being busy, stressed, and unable to do more with our free time, is that the case? Did you know that the average American watches five hours of TV per day? Five hours! That's almost unfathomable to me, and yet there are millions of Americans who passively consume media for a significant portion of each day. What could these individuals do if they turned off the television? Perhaps there would be more books, more citizen activism, more charity volunteering, more mentoring, more prosperity.  How do you manage your time? I'm a busy guy, and while I like to decompress with an episode of TV after a long, stressful day, I try to make sure that entertainment is ranked low on the priority list. There's too much to do—the world needs changing! I don't know about you, but I can't simply go about my day not trying to change things. The world needs to be a better place, and whom am I to think that unless I do something about it? I can improve, and make better use of my free time. So can you, I'm sure. Imagine how much we might collectively change the world if each of us committed to do something—anything—to influence another person's life for the better? Let's volunteer, let's speak out, let's write inspiring material, let's network and create relationships, and let's be anxiously engaged in good causes. It's like Gandhi said: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

About The Author

Connor Boyack is president of Libertas Institute, a public policy think tank in Utah. He is the author of several books on politics and religion, along with hundreds of columns and articles championing individual liberty. His work has been featured on international, national, and local TV, radio, and other forms of media. A California native and Brigham Young University graduate, Connor currently resides in Lehi, Utah, with his wife and two children.

The Giveaway

$100 Paypal cash or Amazon Giftcard. Must be 18 or older. Void where prohibited by law. Open internationally. Ends 7/26/2104

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